Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What happened?

So, here I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with a fractured foot.

It all started with an innocent activity on the 22nd December - wrapping the kids christmas presents!

I was sitting on the floor happily wrapping presents, when I heard a stirring from my daughter. Not wanting to be caught wrapping up the presents, I jumped up, tripped over the present, and on the way down hit my foot rather hard on the leg of my dressing table. OUCH.

Denying what I thought had happened, I left it until the following morning to get a medical opinion on my foot.....especially as I wasn't able to put any weight on my foot whatsoever.

Off to hospital we went. A couple of xrays later, they initially thought it was a sprain to my foot, until the radiologist called and wanted an oblique view of my foot done as he suspected a fracture and dislocation of my 2nd tarsometatarsal joint, with a small fracture of my Cuneiform.

After that xray, it was time for an Orthopaedic review. Thats when I knew I wouldn't be going home any time soon!

They came down and confirmed that I had a Lisfranc fracture in my left foot. Not a good fracture to have apparently.......Awesome.

After that diagnosis, it was decided that I had to have my foot put in a backslab, and I fast from midnight for theatre the next day to have at least 2 screws put in my foot.

It was then I was informed I would be in a cast (non weight bearing) for 6 weeks, then in a weight bearing boot for another 6 weeks. Not what a pregnant woman with 2 kids under 4 wants to hear!!!

I then got admitted to hospital, and had to make some mad phone calls to people trying to sort out my life.

My main concern now was getting out of hospital before christmas and sorting out someone to look after the kids!

Luckily, my surgery was all uneventful, pain wasn't too bad post op, and I was able to be discharged home on christmas eve.

Thats when the fun really began!

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