Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Things I have learnt walking on crutches

1. Walking on crutches is hard. Really hard. My arms hurt, my hands hurt, my abs hurt, my right leg hurts and I get tired just thinking about having to move around on them. It is a real cardio workout at times.

2. They interfere with so many other facets of life. Going to the toilet, having a shower (try showering on one leg with the other in a plastic bag!), getting up from a chair etc.

3. So many things that don't normally challenge my mobility, are challenged and are dangerous for people on crutches. eg Toys on the floor, random clothing on the floor (equivelent to someone slipping on a banana peel!) water on the floor, random pieces of furniture that get in the way.

4. It is nearly impossible to carry anything else while you are walking with crutches. (eg food and drinks etc)

5. I have had to swallow my pride on many occasions and ask for help for what are normally menial tasks. Luckily my husband and family have come to the rescue and have been a wonderful support so far)

6. I am becoming surprisingly inventive with ways to move things around the house and carry things (those reusable shopping bags have become invaluable!) There is a real market out there for assistance aids for those that are on crutches I am sure of it!!

7. Stairs now scare the crap out of me!

8. I now know what it is like to get those pitying looks from strangers in public. They also give me a much wider berth when they see me coming on my crutches. Strangers are also a bit more polite and tolerant when they see my crutches.

9. It is impossible to pick my kids up while I am standing, or to get my son out of his cot, or to sit with my daughter while she goes to sleep because her bed is too low and I can't get up again.

10. The main thing I have learnt so far.....I will never ever take for granted being able to walk normally again.


  1. Yeah- to you blogging, not to your broken leg....I am so glad to hear that your family is helping out

  2. I sprained my ankle 2 days ago (with the possibility of a few small fractures). They put my foot in a cast and I've been hobbling around on my crutches. I am glad I'm not the only one having difficulties!! I think the palms of my hands hurt more than my foot! I am hoping that since your post was just over 2 years ago that have healed well!!

  3. Hi Katharine :)
    My foot healed really well thanks! It took a good 12 months to really feel somewhat normal again, but I got there in the end.
    I hope your stint on crutches is a short one and that your ankle heals quickly!

  4. Been on crutches for 6 days and have been wondering how I will ever manage on these for three more weeks, everything but laying down is a challenge. So glad I found this and similar message boards, it's good to find my incredible frustration is normal!!! I don't want to wish a moment of summer away but I sure will be happy to kick July out the foot...with both feet!
